It was pretty much awesome. Our driver from yesterday who took us to the World Vision site drove us again today. He doesn't know English except for a couple words but he did know French so John (who took only 2 semesters of French in college) got to use it a lot! I (Ellie) am really surprised at how much he understood and spoke. So that was fun.
We were greeted once we got there by all the kids in Zakaya's school --a whole bunch of them singing in the church and then they started coming out of the church to face us for the rest of the song. Then we came into the church and they had a special service just because we came there (which we were totally not expecting). The kids all sat in the seats and there was a table up front with a lacey tablecloth was spread on top with vases of flowers on it (like a communion table). They had our interpreter, John, me and Zakayo and the director of the site walk down the center isle and sit right on the stage with the table. Then the rest of the class greeted us again with singing and dancing and then a guy had his back to us to face the children and gave a sermon-like message with scripture and then we prayed and asked us to say a message to the group. It was pretty crazy but cool.
Then we went out of the church and into the office that Compassion works out of at that site. They gave us the history of that site and what it has become and then told us all about Zakaya. He is 15 (I thought he was 17 but I guess not). He was really stoic at first, even when we struggled through telling his a message in his language but we were expecting that. We were told that Rwandans have a culture that does not look surprised or shocked. But by the end of our time with him he was smiling and shaking our hands like a happy kid :) After we ate a snack, we headed to Zakaya's home where his HUMONGOUS family greeted us and gave us a gift of 2 pineapples (sorry, mid-high, we can't give them to you--we will have to eat it ourselves!)
We gave him the gifts we brought from the mid high as well as food and other supplies for his family that we bought on the way there. We have pictures to put up later. Anyway, we saved the soccer ball til the end and his face lit up completely and he stood up fast and his eyes just about popped out and gave us a HUGE handshake :)
and then, the very last, we gave him the scrapbook...... wow was he impressed --he couldn't wait to open every page and his family was so happy. we showed him the photo of snow (I forget who included it) and he was amazed and studied it hard. It was a great choice to put in there!
He also gave us 2 woven baskets with lids. He said for us to keep one and the other give it to the mid-high. So mid-high, look forward to a new offering basket or whatever you make it to be! I told him you would write him and tell what you will use it for with a photo. He was very happy to hear that.
Overall, John and I are super impressed with Compassian's work here and the staff we met were very lovely people that you can tell are doing wonderful things for the children they do ministry with. I feel really happy with how it all went!
last summer as we were thinking about Step Into Africa stuff, I felt strongly that Zakaya should have a visit from someone from HHBC since he has never had one in the 10 years he's been sponsored and now it could be possible with our Rwanda connection. I totally didn't think it would be me, just someone more connected with him. But I guess you have to be careful what you pray for! I didn't realize it would be me. But I'm really glad this happened, he's a great kid and his fmaily was great to meet too --in their small house (which we can post of a photo of) inside there is a wall with a verse from Isaiah written across it --it was like stencil and it was amazing to hear of such a godly family living in such poverty and how much God has blessed them and Zakayo
Well, I will leave you for today but I wanted to post this specially for the mid-high and senior high who have over the years sponsored this cool guy and written letters. So now you can hopefully feel more connected with him and inspire you to write to this special teen!
hope all are well, we love and miss you. Goodbye from Rwanda!
Ellie (for John too)
Speaking of John, John here is going to upload a few pictures for your pleasure.
first, those hills I was talking about in the last post. Here are a couple that are good.
Second, a picture of us with Zakayo.
And third, a picture of Zakayo's house and the field that he helps his family work.
As always, click on the pictures to see a bigger version