Well today was a glorious day in my book because i am officially finished with my job at the guesthouse. There are of course many things left to do, even a few things with the roof, but my part of the project is officially done.

So tomorrow I go off to the computer lab. Whoo hoo!
Here's that smile of Kayesu's I mentioned a while ago.

March 30th
One thing that I miss about the states is the internet bandwidth. Actually, even just a reliable connection would be nice. (oh the irony; the connection just dropped)
It was really nice to video skype with you folks at church today, both the Journey class and with random folks in the sanctuary. Adrienne, we didn't get to see your belly. ;-)
March 29th.
Today there is a wedding at New Hope. We will go to part of it, because the whole thing will be quite an ordeal. We'll also be having dinner with the Brittons again, which should be nice. We're also planning on going to Luwero and Kiwoko, to search for material for some clothes and get a few things.
We have Kayesu again, who is as cute as ever. I have yet to get her smile on camera, but it is priceless. I was feeding her last night, (even though she is perfectly capable of feeding herself, she won't when she is with us. she just cries if you hand her food.) trying to get her to eat spaghetti and cabbage. She doesn't like spaghetti because all she normally gets is posho and beans. I in general have better success feeding her than Ellie does, so I was trying to get her to eat, even though she was fussy. So I put several forkfuls of cabbage in her mouth, she started chewing away, and Tim who was watching was impressed that I got her to eat cabbage. As I went in for one more forkful, however, her little lips opened up and pushed all the chewed up cabbage out onto her and my laps. I guess she was just pretending to obey me.
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