So I finally went to Kampala yesterday, which was good fun. I managed to misunderstand my cellphone alarm and got ready and walked all the way to the rendevouz point at 1:00 am, realized my mistake when Mukisa wasn't there, walked back and went back to bed. ( 1 am looks a lot like 6 am in terms of darkness) We were on the road at 6:15. It takes less then two hours including stops and taxi transfers to get to the Kampala city limit , then it takes another hour to get into the city, maybe 5 km.
We were successful in our shopping for materials, and got the screws and transparent sheets we needed. So today we'll finish the last two valleys.
I also stopped off at the Davises to drop some things off and pick up some stuff we left there last time. I got to see the completed bench/swing (which I helped Jon build part of), which was very comfortable and relaxing. I also tried the new foot-swing, which was good times. In watching the video of me swinging, I also realized that right now I have more hair on my face than on some parts of my head. I had known I was going bald for a while, but this was first time I got a nice view of it. I am an ancient quarter-century old, so it makes sense, I guess. I'll put that video on picasa another time.
Jon and I were sitting in the swing, and I heard a musical tinkle. I turned to him in disbelief: "is that an ice cream truck?" well, not exactly. A guy pushing a bike with an igloo cooler strapped to his handlebars. But I wasn't going to pass up the chance to get ice cream for the first time in 2 months. So I bought us one each, which was nice and refreshing. It wasn't ice cream, more like flavor-ice, but hey, i'm not picky.
Ok, time to go off to breakfast.
March 11th
Today is my mom's birthday, and Brendan's birthday. Happy birthday folks.
I have been working doing IT for the past two days instead of working on the guesthouse because of the lack of materials. Tomorrow I really am going to go to Kampala
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